Jay Rollins

reactive vs proactive cybersecurity

Reactive vs Proactive Cybersecurity – Which Is Better?

If you’re doing business in this day and age, you’re going to be the target of a cyberattack eventually. While you can’t control whether or not it happens, all small business owners can control how much damage a cyberattack does – by carefully choosing their cybersecurity strategy. When it comes to a reactive vs proactive

Reactive vs Proactive Cybersecurity – Which Is Better? Read More »

can you really fix every single cybersecurity vulnerability?

Is it Possible to Fix Every Single Cybersecurity Vulnerability?

The landscape of cybersecurity is constantly changing, which can make protecting your business a truly Sisyphean task. Sometimes it can seem like for every vulnerability that you fix, another three crop up. You may sometimes ask yourself “Is it even possible to fix every single cybersecurity vulnerability?” There is no way to fix every single

Is it Possible to Fix Every Single Cybersecurity Vulnerability? Read More »

DNS Tunneling

DNS Tunneling – What it is & How To Stop it in its Tracks

In 2021, SolarWinds fell prey to a massively stealthy cyberattack that used DNS tunneling to remain undetected for 8 months.  SolarWinds is now facing projected losses of roughly $90 million USD directly related to this breach. What is DNS tunneling, though? How can businesses protect themselves from suffering the same fate as SolarWinds? DNS tunneling

DNS Tunneling – What it is & How To Stop it in its Tracks Read More »

lateral movement

What is Lateral Movement? + Detection & Defense Measures

Lateral movement is a lesser known but incredibly insidious hacking tactic. It is a significant step in many different common cyberattacks, and it can be difficult to trace in your network. This subtle kind of attack can be incredibly devastating to a small business. What exactly is lateral movement? Lateral movement occurs when a hacker

What is Lateral Movement? + Detection & Defense Measures Read More »

coffee shop public wi-fi

Top Cybersecurity Risks Of Working From A Coffee Shop

REad About Top Cybersecurity Risks Of Working From A Coffee Shop Your favorite coffee shop might seem like a secure place to work with its warm ambient lighting, comfy chairs, and familiar barista faces. But that sense of security can be extremely false. The fact is, coffee shops are a prime hunting ground for cybercriminals.

Top Cybersecurity Risks Of Working From A Coffee Shop Read More »